Science Snapshot What's trending in the science world? Image Join Museum staff at the Gordon Current Science & Technology Center Stage to take a closer look at the latest science and technology headlines and research to appreciate their impact on our lives. From the latest in space exploration to new advances in medical technology...we cover it all!Possible Titles:Feeling the HeatClimate change is being felt all around the world. In this presentation we explore stories of how climate change is impacting people around the world. Learn how humans are adapting, changing, and becoming resilient to the effects of climate change currently impacting our home.Life Science Finds a Way Researchers are making leaps and bounds when it comes to the life sciences. Hear all about some of the most recent updates in the realms of living organisms and their relationship to their environment.Mars: From Myths to Missions Discover legends about our neighboring Red Planet, the technological innovations that have contributed to our better understanding of Mars, and the missions that will drive us further than humans have ever gone before.Mental Health: The Brain and Beyond The science is in: mental health is health. We explore mental health and its deep connections to brain chemistry, body systems, and social factors beyond our control.The Biodiversity Brief The variety of life in a given ecosystem or even entire planet is in constant, delicate balance. Learn how a loss of biodiversity threatens all life on Earth, and how you can help to conserve all living things.The Quantum Revolution Learn all about quantum mechanics, the physics of super small things. From Einstein to modern electronics, find out how quantum mechanics influences our daily lives.To The Moon...And Beyond Hear all about the current status of NASA’s Artemis program, which aims to return humans to the surface of the Moon this decade.What’s Up in Space? Find out what’s going on in the world of astronomy and spaceflight with cutting-edge reports on planetary science, human spaceflight, and so much more! Get Tickets Date and Time Check the Daily Schedule for Times Audience All Ages Location Gordon Current Science and Technology Stage View Map Length 20 minutes Price Included with Exhibit Halls Admission Language English Get Tickets Date and Time Check the Daily Schedule for Times Audience All Ages Location Gordon Current Science and Technology Stage View Map Length 20 minutes Price Included with Exhibit Halls Admission Language English Join Museum staff at the Gordon Current Science & Technology Center Stage to take a closer look at the latest science and technology headlines and research to appreciate their impact on our lives. From the latest in space exploration to new advances in medical technology...we cover it all!Possible Titles:Feeling the HeatClimate change is being felt all around the world. In this presentation we explore stories of how climate change is impacting people around the world. Learn how humans are adapting, changing, and becoming resilient to the effects of climate change currently impacting our home.Life Science Finds a Way Researchers are making leaps and bounds when it comes to the life sciences. Hear all about some of the most recent updates in the realms of living organisms and their relationship to their environment.Mars: From Myths to Missions Discover legends about our neighboring Red Planet, the technological innovations that have contributed to our better understanding of Mars, and the missions that will drive us further than humans have ever gone before.Mental Health: The Brain and Beyond The science is in: mental health is health. We explore mental health and its deep connections to brain chemistry, body systems, and social factors beyond our control.The Biodiversity Brief The variety of life in a given ecosystem or even entire planet is in constant, delicate balance. Learn how a loss of biodiversity threatens all life on Earth, and how you can help to conserve all living things.The Quantum Revolution Learn all about quantum mechanics, the physics of super small things. From Einstein to modern electronics, find out how quantum mechanics influences our daily lives.To The Moon...And Beyond Hear all about the current status of NASA’s Artemis program, which aims to return humans to the surface of the Moon this decade.What’s Up in Space? Find out what’s going on in the world of astronomy and spaceflight with cutting-edge reports on planetary science, human spaceflight, and so much more!